Scope 1 Emissions
Scope 1 Emissions - Relates to the direct emissions that come from sources owned or controlled by the emitter, such as emissions from company vehicles.
Scope 2 Emissions
Scope 2 Emissions - Relates to indirect emissions from sources owned or controlled by the emitter, such as emissions from the electricity used in a company’s office.
Scope 3 Emissions
Scope 3 Emissions - relates to indirect emissions from sources not owned or controlled by the emitter, but which indirectly impact the emitter’s supply chain, such as emissions from a company’s employees commuting to work.
Shareholder Activism
The use of shareholder rights to pressure companies to change environmental or social practices
Shareholder Resolution
A proposal submitted by a shareholder for consideration at a company’s general meeting, requesting that the company takes particular action.
Self Invested Personal Pension. A form of private pension where the control over the investment decisions or appointment of investment manager is put more firmly in the control of individual savers.
Social Factors
This relates to the “S” of “ESG”. Social issues relate to how a company interacts with the communities it operates in, its suppliers, employees, customers, communities, governments and regulators. These include, for example, labour standards, health and safety, supply chain management and nutrition and obesity.
Socially Responsible Investing – a broad catch-all description to describe investing in line with ethical or environmental considerations.
This relates to actively influencing the responsible allocation, management and oversight of an investee’s capital in a way that creates long-term, sustainable value. It includes the voting and engagement activity we carry out as investment managers on behalf of our clients. You can find out more about our stewardship activities and latest stewardship reports on our dedicated stewardship page
Stewardship Codes
These are a set of standards that help set stewardship expectations and best practice for asset managers and asset owners. These codes are established on a country-by-country basis. Castlefield is a signatory to the UK Stewardship Code - the gold standard for the UK.