Why Ethical Investing is important

Ethical investing has increased in importance over recent years as more people become aware of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, and whether their investments are helping to combat these or if they may actually be contributing towards them.

This article below highlights 10 ways in which investing ethically can make a positive difference to the world, and explains the influence that you, as a thoughtful investor, can have. 

Ten reasons why ethical investing is important

Get in touch

Hopefully this article has given you a flavour of the power of responsible investing and some of the issues it tackles and methods it employs. At Castlefield, we have been pursuing and refining our comprehensive approach to thoughtful investing for almost three decades and as we continue to grow so too does our influence. If you feel strongly about any of these issues and would like to help us in our cause by investing your money in this way please do get in touch.

For more help with your finances or to find out how to become a thoughtful investor visit our dedicated page linked below.