Terms and Conditions

The information contained on this website is issued on behalf of Castlefield Partners Limited (CPL).

Castlefield is a trading name, registered trademark and the property of Castlefield Partners Limited (CPL). Part of the Castlefield employee-owned group. Member of the Employee Ownership Association. CPL is registered in England and Wales No. 06942320. VAT Registration Number 100 1254 95. CPL is the unregulated holding company of a range of wholly owned businesses operating in the financial services sector.


Castlefield Investment Partners LLP (CIP) registered in England and Wales No. OC302833. CIP is also an ISA manager and provides discretionary investment management services. FRN: 432488

The registered office of CPL and of each regulated company is 111 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2HY, United Kingdom.

CPL is a corporate member of CIP. As such, references to ‘Castlefield’, ‘we’, ‘us’, ‘our’ etc may refer to one or more of these entities depending on the exact context in which they are used. Similarly, the term ‘Partner’ refers to a member of CIP. . Reference to clients being, becoming or able to become shareholders of Castlefield refers to the opportunity for clients of CIP to become shareholders of CPL, under the terms of the articles of association of the latter.

Opinions constitute our judgment as of this date and are subject to change without warning. The officers and employees of CPL or any of its subsidiaries or associates may have positions in any securities mentioned herein. The information on this website is not intended as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell securities or any other investment or banking product, nor does it constitute a personal recommendation. This is especially the case in respect of any existing or proposed investment in CPL, where it would be inappropriate for CIP to make any comment about the suitability or otherwise of such an investment.

This website shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England and Wales and is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts. The information, products and services referred to in this publication are not directed at any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country outside the United Kingdom.

The value of investments and the income from them can go down as well as up and you may not recover the amount of your original investment. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Where an investment involves exposure to a foreign currency, changes in rates of exchange may cause the value of the investment and the income from it to go up or down. In the case of some investments, you should be aware that there is no recognised market for them and that it may therefore be difficult for you to deal in them or for you to obtain reliable information about their value or the extent of the risks to which they are exposed.

Certain investments carry a higher degree of risk than others and are, therefore, unsuitable for some investors. It may be possible to lose all of your initial capital in certain types of investments. Before contemplating any transaction, you should consider whether you require financial advice, which we would be pleased to provide upon request.

If you become a client, we will treat you as a Retail Client, as defined by FCA rules, unless we agree specifically otherwise. This is despite the fact that we may be entitled to treat you as a Professional Client or Eligible Counterparty under the appropriate FCA definition. This means that we have chosen to offer our clients the maximum protection available under FCA rules. However, if you are not entitled to be classified as a Retail Client, as defined by the FCA, you may not necessarily have equivalent rights under the Financial Ombudsman Service or the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. This is because such rights are not a function of how we choose to classify you but are determined under FCA rules by certain criteria, such as asset size, structure and other qualifying criteria.

CIP is a participant in the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), established under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 which, subject to certain exceptions, provides limited compensation in respect of eligible liabilities if we are declared in default. Most types of investment business are covered up to a maximum limit of £85,000. The right to claim under this scheme is subject to eligibility restrictions. Click here for more information from the FSCS website.

If having become a client you are subsequently dissatisfied with the services we or Pershing Securities Limited (PSL – our nominated settlement and custody provider) have provided under the agreement we will have entered into with you, you should address your complaint, in the first instance, to the individual who is responsible for your account.

If after 24 hours your complaint remains unresolved, please write to The Compliance Officer, Castlefield, 111 Piccadilly, Manchester, M1 2HY or email compliance@castlefield.com. We will endeavour to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible, but in any event will acknowledge receipt of your letter promptly. We will liaise with PSL on your behalf where necessary. Our acknowledgement will include a full copy of our and, if appropriate, PSL’s internal complaints handling procedure.

Upon resolution of your complaint, we will send you a final response letter, which sets out the nature of that resolution and any applicable remedy. If for any reason you are dissatisfied with our final response and you are classified as an eligible complainant under FCA rules, please note that you are entitled to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. A leaflet detailing the procedure will be provided with our final response. Click here to obtain further information from the Financial Ombudsman website.