Latest Annual Stewardship Report Launched

By Nathan Cameron

We're delighted to launch our latest Annual Stewardship Report.

Our latest Annual Stewardship report details our Thoughtful Investment approach and is a comprehensive assessment for the last full calendar year (2023).

Within the report is an ESG performance assessment of our sustainable fund range, along with details of collaborative projects, voting and broad range of engagement case studies during the prior twelve months.

Please see the report below


We hope the report provides an insight into how important we consider stewardship and engagement to be, and demonstrates that it is an integral part of our approach.


Download a copy of the latest Annual Stewardship Report

Please download the latest Annual Stewardship Report using the link below.

This includes details of our Thoughtful Investment Approach, Impact Reporting, Stewardship, Engagement, Case Studies and Voting Activity.

Download Annual Stewardship Report

UK Stewardship Code

This year’s report closely follows the Financial Reporting Council’s UK Stewardship Code reporting requirements. It covers a broad range of subjects and is primarily designed to outline our approach to sustainable and responsible investment.

We are proud members of the UK Stewardship Code - recognised globally as a best practice benchmark in investment stewardship.

The UK Stewardship Code sets high stewardship standards and is built around 12 principles of effective stewardship. It was updated in 2021 with a greater emphasis placed on transparency standards around stewardship activities than the 2012 code it replaced. 

Investing sustainably for the long term

As long-term investors, we take our stewardship role seriously and appreciate we have a duty to represent our clients values as we build relationships with company management and investor relation teams.

These actions can have significant influence and help to build support for the adoption of best practice across the market over time. A number of case examples from investee firms have been included within this year's report to showcase these in practice.

Making an impact

We engaged independent consultants to analyse the ESG performance of our sustainable fund range. All of the equity funds were benchmarked against their respective comparators, so that we can measure the outcomes our funds achieve against factors such as their carbon footprint, waste and water performance, executive pay ratios and other social or environmental factors.

We hope this report demonstrates the importance of stewardship and engagement throughout Castlefield, and goes someway to explain why we are known as The Thoughtful Investor ®.